The Gravette Police Department is a growing and evolving agency committed to working in harmony with the citizens of our community to create a safe and secure environment and to improve the quality of life for our residents.
We are also committed to providing equality, fairness, integrity, and professionalism. In order to provide the highest level of service with these values in mind, our officers are encouraged to actively pursue advanced professional education and be aware of changing “best practices” in the law enforcement community as we continue to progress.

Important Numbers
Administrative Line-Non Emergency
Dispatch Line (Central Communications)
Benton County Sheriff's Office (Dispatch line)
The Gravette Police Department consists full-time and part-time sworn officers, school resources officers for the Gravette School District, and non-sworn administrative personnel who are responsible for nearly 4,000 residents living in an approximately 15-square mile area.
The Department currently has four divisions:
The Patrol Division: which consists of field patrol officers.
SRO Division: which consists of three School Resource Officers assigned to the Gravette School District.
Detective Division: The detective division is responsible for investigating select crimes within our jurisdiction.
K9 Division: Gravette Police Department’s current K9 team is K9 “Roni” and his handler Sergeant Cline. Roni is a Belgian Malinois trained to perform multiple tasks including detecting narcotics, article recovery, tracking, missing persons, handler protection, criminal apprehension, and patrol situations. Roni has become a valuable member of our team and has played his part in keeping our community safe.
In addition to the regular duties of the officers such as criminal patrol, investigations, traffic patrol, and accident investigations, many of the officers maintain advanced specialty training in areas such as Active Shooter training, Narcotics investigation, Animal Control, Sex Offender registration, DWI and Drug interdiction.
Reports and other information is currently available pursuant to the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act by filling out the form below, and presenting it to the police department either in-person or via US Mail for a small fee (we do not accept digital payment at this time). Please contact us at 479-787-6948 to obtain further guidance.
Animal Owners
As a reminder, all dogs and cats living inside the city limits are required to be registered with the city and wear proof of registration on their collar. Animal registrations are valid for one calendar year from January to December through purchase at City Hall. The police department will attempt any reasonable means to contact the owner of an animal that has been picked up and the animal will be posted on the Gravette Police Department Facebook page. If the owner cannot be identified, the animal will be held for six days before being put up for adoption if adoptable. Dogs that are currently in the City kennel will be posted on the City’s Facebook page. Should you see your dog listed there, or are interested in adopting a dog posted there, please contact the GPD at 479-787-6948 within six days.
Emergency Alerts
Sign up for Emergency Alerts!
Being forewarned about dangerous weather, a neighborhood evacuation or an emergency road closure has never been easier. BC Alert gives you critical information during emergencies, with official notifications from local public safety and emergency managers. The alerts will tell you where to go, what to do and how to stay informed and are available by text, email, cell phone, home phone, work phone, instant messaging, or fax. You’ll get instant access to information no matter where you are.
Victim Rights Information
“Pursuant to the Arkansas Victim Rights Act of 1997 and Act 873 of 2015 (Laura’s Law), Arkansas law enforcement is required to provide information for victims of domestic abuse crimes. This information has been assembled into a format called “Laura’s Card” to provide victim rights and necessary contact information in a clear and concise format that is standardized throughout the state.
Our officers are required to furnish these pamphlets to the victim of any domestic violence crime so that victims are made aware of medical and housing services. Counseling, financial, social, legal, and emergency services contact information is also provided. In addition, the pamphlet also contains information about obtaining orders of protection, directions on how to access public records related to the case, and contact information for the Arkansas Crime Victims Reparations Boards. The card also includes a web link to information about signing up for the VINE program, which notifies victims automatically when an incarcerated individual is released from a jail or prison.
In addition to the officers of the Gravette Police Department handing out this information during crime incidents, we would like to make it available here for reference. Should you have any questions, please contact our office at 479-787-6948.
Sex Offender Search
Search here:
The Arkansas Crime Information Center (ACIC) is pleased to provide the Sex Offender Registry Search for the citizens of Arkansas. The registry is updated as offender addresses and other offender information is updated in our office. You can search for offenders by address, city, county, or zip code and see information on the publishable offenders within the map view of the address you enter. You can also search for an offender by name if applicable.
Benton County Sheriff’s office also provides a Sex Offender Registry Search for the citizens of Benton County.
Search here: